Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ROLE-PLAY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING COMPETENCE (A Classroom Action Research in Class XI-Social Science 2 at SMA Negeri 1 xxxxx in 2010 / 2011 Academic Year)


THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ROLE-PLAY TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING COMPETENCE (A Classroom Action Research in Class XI-Social Science 2 at SMA Negeri 1 xxxx in 2010/2011 Academic Year). Thesis

 The objective of the research is to find whether drama and role play can improve the students’ speaking skill. Besides, the research is also designed to some problems encountered by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 xxxx in mastering speaking skill. In this research, the problem refered to the class XI-IPS 2 students in learning English especially their speaking skill which was still low. Related to the above problem, the writer assumed that drama and role play were the most appropriate ones that can be used to increase their motivation and interest to study English especially speaking. The research was a classroom action research.
The research method included the research setting, that is, SMA Negeri 1 xxxxx. The subject of the research is class XI-Social Program in the Academic Year 2009/2010, with Classroom Action Research as its methods. The data of the research were collected by interview, observation, and documentation. The writer divided the Classroom Action Research into three cycles and carried out in four steps namely planning the action, implementing the action, observing and monitoring the action, and reflecting and evaluating the result of the action. The cycles were determined at the end of research implementation, after looking at the results of the previous cycle. Then it was followed by the next cycles to see the consistency of the significant data.
The results of the implementation showed that the application of drama and role play strategy improved and enhanced the students’ vocabulary mastery. It could be seen that their motivation and interest increased . The obstacles as like being passive, low speaking skill, and inferior feeling significantly decreased. Besides, from the collected data, the students had better progress from cycle one to the next cycle. For instance, the mean score of pre-test was 61, while the mean of cycle one was 61.3, cycle two was 68.3. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the use of drama and role-play really improved the students’ achievement in learning English especially in speaking skill. The improvement was quite significant which was reflected from the progress of the students’ score from one cycle to the other, beside their increasing motivation and interest.
Related to the research findings above, the writer wanted to propose some suggestions to the English teachers. Firstly, they should learn the characteristics of the students, including the psychological condition. The teacher should know their personality in general, their background, and their average ability to recognize their previous condition before the action research is implemented. By recognizing the students characteristics, the teacher will choose the approprite technique, approach, and strategy in teaching. Secondly, the English teacher should learn how to enhance their ability in teaching English and to establish a good teaching learning atmosphere in the class. The teacher must be creative to use various teaching technique, by the hope that the students are interested in joining the teaching and learning process.   

Keywords: effectiveness, drama, role play, improve, speaking, competence

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